Laser Nail Specialist
Laser Nail Specialist
Nail Fungus can be an extremely embarrassing condition especially as summer approaches and there is more opportunity to wear open shoes. Many patients are not aware of the fact once their nails become infected with nail fungus over time the fungus will spread from nail to nail until it infects most if not all nails. Painting them to hide the appearance of the nail is an option, however what most people do not realise is that this does become a less viable option as the nail decays more and more.
As a Laser Nail Specialist, Podiatrist Dr Bastin sees a number of patients that can no longer just paint nails or hide them by having a fake nail adhered to the “rotten”nail as there is simply not enough nail for the pedicurist to use to get a nail to stay on.
It is better to treat nails before they get to this stage, so what is the best form of treatment to cure this condition. Topical medications have been around for years and there seems to be an abundance of new topical treatments available over the Internet almost on a daily basis. If they worked reliably Podiatrists would be quick to jump on the band wagon and use these on their patients. The truth of the matter is there have been NO clinical trials done on the majority of them, however people seem happy to try them.
So what should I treat my nails with, well some people do get a “cure” from oral medications about 40% on average but these medications come with terrible side effects when you weigh up the cure rates with the side effects you will surely come up with what we feel which is they are not worth trying.
So if topical preparations are ineffective and the side effects vs benefits of oral medications do not stack up then what do I do.
Laser Nail Specialist
Dr Greg Bastin has specialised in the treatment of nail fungus for over 15 years now he has tried many forms of treatments over the years. Greg a laser nail specialist has found that treatment with the correct laser and the correct technique is the best form of treatment that exists currently on the market. There are No side effects with laser and the success rate is over 80%.
Dr Bastin has been using this laser treatment in Australia for over 2 years now and has great success with its use. He is only one of a few Podiatrists that have used several lasers and compared their effectiveness clinically. He has lectured at Dermatology conferences in China on the treatment of Onychomycosis (Nail Fungus) using laser.
Dr Bastin is a Laser Nail Specialist and is happy to discuss your problem and work to finally rid yourself of Nail Fungus.
For further enquiries or to make an appointment please call the clinic during office hours.
Get rid of Toenail Fungus
Get rid of Toenail Fungus
Case Study 1
Can I get rid of toenail fungus easily that is a question that we are frequently asked. The answer is that the treatment of toenail fungus is one of the most difficult things in Podiatric Dermatology. There are a myriad of cures on the market all quote really high success rates. Over the years we have tried most of them or met patients that have treated their toenail fungus with them so sorting through them what works and what doesn’t work.
Well first of all we have found the topical treatments that one paints on the nail to be a total waste of time they simply do not work for the majority of patients. We hear anecdotal evidence like “it made my toenail much better” but the fact is it did not get rid of the toenail fungus and that is what we want nothing less that total resolution of the fungus.
Their are dozens of things suggested on the internet such as vicks vapor rub and the list goes on these things simply do not work. This leads us to the Oral medications.
Get Rid of Toenail Fungus
With Oral Medications
These do work BUT their are 2 main concerns firstly there are serious side effects do a search yourself search Lamisil on the TGA website and the FDA website. You fill find this drug is toxic to the liver as well as many other side effects. The second concern is that only about 40% of the patients who take the medication will get rid of the toenail fungus when you couple this with the side effects, well we will let you be the judge of whether it is worth it or not.
Latest Treatment for Toenail Fungus
At Brighton Podiatry we have been using laser for the treatment of toenail fungus for 2 years now we are getting a success rate of better than 80% but importantly there are NO side effects to this treatment this is the most important feature of this new form of treatment. If you suffer from toenail fungus and you want to get rid of it call us and make an initial appointment we can discuss the treatment and assess your nails properly.